Already a Customer?
Here are some tools you may find useful:
For Help With Your Account:
Use the PORTAL⁽*⁾ to:
Complete new hire paperwork, update personal information, access pay stubs and W-2s, or request time off.
⁽*⁾PORTAL features vary by customer; not all employees will use these functions.
Employment Verification
DRIVEN TALENT uses The Work Number® to provide automated employment and income verification for our clients’ employees. Rapid verification is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Branch Office Locations:
LA County (Corporate / HQ)
9650 Telstar Ave. Unit A #151
El Monte, CA, 91731
Call (909) 361 4629
El Monte, CA, 91731
Call (909) 361 4629
Inland Empire County
13925 City Center Dr Suite 200
Chino Hills, CA 91709
Call (909) 361 4629
Chino Hills, CA 91709
Call (909) 361 4629
Orange County
6 Centerpointe Dr. Suite 700
La Palma, CA, 90623
Call (909) 361 4629
La Palma, CA, 90623
Call (909) 361 4629
2909 E. Arkansas LN Ste C,
Arlington , TX 76010
Call (909) 361 4629
Arlington , TX 76010
Call (909) 361 4629
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Whether you’re a talented professional or a company looking for talent, we’d love to hear from you!
(All submittals and correspondence will be handled in strictest confidence to protect the privacy of your career or talent search!)