Already a Customer?

Here are some tools you may find useful:

For Help With Your Account:

Use the PORTAL⁽*⁾ to:

Complete new hire paperwork, update personal information, access pay stubs and W-2s, or request time off.
⁽*⁾PORTAL features vary by customer; not all employees will use these functions.

Employment Verification

DRIVEN TALENT uses The Work Number® to provide automated employment and income verification for our clients’ employees. Rapid verification is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Branch Office Locations:

LA County (Corporate / HQ)

9650 Telstar Ave. Unit A #151
El Monte, CA, 91731
Call (909) 361 4629

Inland Empire County

13925 City Center Dr Suite 200
Chino Hills, CA 91709
Call (909) 361 4629

Orange County

6 Centerpointe Dr. Suite 700
La Palma, CA, 90623
Call (909) 361 4629


2909 E. Arkansas LN Ste C,
Arlington , TX 76010
Call (909) 361 4629
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Whether you’re a talented professional or a company looking for talent, we’d love to hear from you!

(All submittals and correspondence will be handled in strictest confidence to protect the privacy of your career or talent search!)